web design
Meet some of the glorious humans I’ve worked with over the years. Through my signature Brand & Website Therapy process, we weaved their hearts into branding, words & websites that embody their Fullest Expression. Scroll for a taste of the magic we created.

“Don’t fear the Fire, Become it.”
embodiment & pleasure activist
Meena Bhasin
“It is in darkness that our fires burn most brightly.
This burning world needs us now more than ever, to feel, with open hearts what is broken and birth a new future together. This is how we love ourselves home.
Our role right now is crucial: to hold death and rebirth at the same time. To embody sacred rage and desire simultaneously. We need the heat of our inner fires to burn down systems of oppression, and forge a new world where there is safety, dignity & liberation for all.”

“Remembering our Wholeness”
somatic psychotheraPY & shamanism
Rachael Collins
“I serve the beautiful weirdos of the world. The truth seekers, the quirkies, the wounded rebels, the queers. The neurodivergent folks that see through the bullshit and name what is true. The ones who are ready to dismantle our society’s oppressive systems, and let what is familiar crumble. The folks who are seeking radical ways to heal our interpersonal, systemic, and spiritual trauma, so that we can be whole again - individually and collectively.”

“Come Home
to Yourself”
Jaree Basgall
“Healing your trauma is not only possible, it can be a portal to a more free & beautiful life. Maybe you’ve been numbing the pain, but it’s numbing your joy as well. Maybe you’ve tried talk therapy, but you just can’t seem to break past the invisible wall that’s holding you back.
My friend, your trauma is an injury, not a life sentence. By tending to both the physical and emotional imprint of your trauma, not only can you heal your nervous system, you can create a life that is truly yours.”

“Joy is an act
of Resistance”
work, life & climate coaching
kollen bouchane
“Our world need people that don’t just settle for the status quo. Your longing for things to change matters. Whether you want to achieve more impact at work, more justice in the world, or to build a more meaningful and joyful life (or all of the above!) - I’m with you. Fighting for your joy and success is my way of fighting for the greater good.”

“Unlock the Secrets in your Stars”
astrology & human design
Marla Tseng
“We each have a uniquely powerful operating system programmed into us at birth.”
But so many of us walk through life completely unaware of this. Our exquisite design is overridden by conditioning and other people’s expectations. We get stuck in boxes and on hamster wheels that pay the bills, but drain our life force.
What if I told you your soul did not come here to stay small or be in a box? That the restlessness you feel is your soul’s way of telling you it’s time to shake things up? That doing work that lights you up is your surest path to success?”

“It’s time for a Health Revolution”
women’s integrative health
Sarah Teeple
“It is self-nourishment, not self-deprivation, that will give you back your health.”
“The truth is far more people have health and weight issues since the boom of diet culture and hormone-disrupting ‘health food’. We have been taught to mistrust and override our bodies, to deprive her of the nourishment and pleasure she needs to thrive. You need the opposite of a diet. I’m here to help you reclaim your freedom with food, and nourish yourself back to true health.”

“The Revolution begins Within”
sound therapy
The Sol Sonic
“It’s never too late to experience a life that resonates with your whole self. For decades, an early childhood voice trauma separated me into two versions of myself - the terrified-of-speaking perfectionist and rule-follower; and the wild, irreverent, highly-closeted artist.
Experiencing the healing power of my own voice was the catalyst for becoming a sound therapist. I believe we have the power to self-heal by going inwards to meet ourselves in the stillness of our wild silence. Spending time there is where we find our currency, our medicine, our truth.”

“Liberating Mamas
for a liberated World.”
sexual health & wellness for mamas
Mama Comes First
We’re giving two giant middle fingers to the patriarchal, capitalist norms that keep mothers exhausted, silent, isolated, and ‘in-line’.
Through education, community and advocacy, ‘Mama Comes First’ is revolutionizing sexual health & pleasure for mothers of all stages, cultures and orientations. Because every time a mother breaks frees from oppressive norms, we’re a step closer to a more liberated world.”

“You are whole and sacred and powerful.”
Full Circle Holistic
“You are not broken. You are whole & sacred & powerful.
Maybe you’ve been told that the cure you need is outside of you. Maybe you’ve been taught to distrust your body, to override its natural intelligence with interventions you do not need. Maybe you’ve internalized the patriarchal message that your life-giving, bountiful postpartum body is anything less than beautiful. I’m here to guide you back to your body’s sacred wisdom, so that you can reclaim your birthright of true health and sovereignty.”

“You can burn bright without burning out.”
PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR professional women
She & Co. Therapy
“As a finance professional turned psychotherapist, I know what it means to ‘have it all’ yet never feel good enough; to be climbing a ladder yet feel like you’re going nowhere; to achieve success yet lose yourself in the process.
Combining CBT with art therapy, mindfulness and coaching, I help professionals overcome issues such as self-doubt, burnout, anxiety or depression, so that they can be their most balanced and brilliant selves, in life and at work.”

“Healing our Trauma
is our Activism.”
Genevieve Camp
“Pain does not scare me. Darkness feels alive and mystical.
It is in those murky, messy places that we find the beautiful lost parts of us. It is by embracing the deep ache inside us that we move towards healing and liberation.
Our nervous systems are tapped into the nervous system of the planet. By doing the brave tender work of healing your own wounds, you’re not only ending cycles of generational trauma, you’re part of the collective healing of our planet.”

“You can feel good in your Body.”
holistic nutritional therapy, HK/UK
Vanessa Marescialli
“You can feel good in your body. Not from a place of restriction, but from a place of freedom and joy.
Maybe you're tired of bouncing in vain between doctors and diets. Maybe you're beating yourself up for falling off the wagon yet again.
I'm here to tell you that you are not bad or broken. There is an explanation to why you're stuck - be it in your DNA, your history, your biochemistry, or your beliefs. With me as your detective and guide, we’ll get to the true cause of your symptoms and struggles, rebuild your habits, mindset, and physiology to give you the health and life you desire.”

eco-somatic artist, australia
Narelle Carter-Quinlan
“I’ve been on a Walk. A 4 year walk. A pilgrimaged epiphany of coasts. Grief roaring through me, I’ve howled and knee-buckled and hurled curses across the Pacific. Asked favours of whales and questions of fig trees. Listened deeply.
All along the Way, I made images. Perhaps forty thousand images. A pulsating Cathedral. All of it ~
I made it for the truth of you that sings yourself here with every single breath. I made it for you, who grieves and who celebrates joy with every photon coursing through you. I made it for you who walks and for you who does not walk.
I made it for you - All of it. So you remember, all of yourself.”

“Liberate the Howl inside of You.”
breathwork & coaching
Mathilde Gottrand
“We each have a howl inside of us that longs to be expressed. It is the voice of our deepest, wildest selves. It is a rally cry for the work we’re meant to do in the world.
But too many of us have learnt to silence our howl. We have learnt that to be loved we must be small, quiet, palatable. And so we hold our breath, bite our tongue. We find ‘safety’ in cages of our own making.
Dear One, it is time to break free. It is time to breathe deep into the forgotten parts of you, and give voice to what lies there. It is time to begin the journey back to your full self.”