Mama Comes First - Sexual Wellness Website for Mothers

This is a creative diary of my Brand & Website Journey with founder of Mama Comes First, Dawn Moore. You can visit her website here.

(I) The Back Story

Dawn and I first connected in February, 2024. In my Discovery Call questionnaire, she wrote, “It only took me 30 seconds on your website to see you mentioned patriarchy AND you donate to Gaza. This is all I needed to see.” It was affirming to know that wearing my heart on my business sleeve had helped bring us together. Especially around a topic that had felt scary to speak up about.

Dawn shared with me that, having cared for thousands of mothers as a doula, midwife and nurse practitioner, she kept encountering moms who were struggling with their sex life, physically and emotionally. In her efforts to support these mamas, she discovered an outrageous gap in sexual wellness resources for mothers.

“I don’t think this is a coincidence. There’s long been a patriarchal split between mothering and sexuality. Keeping mothers disconnected from their bodies, their pleasure - and therefore their power - suits the capitalistic patriarchy just fine.”

‘Mama Comes First’ is Dawn’s answer to this travesty. Having added Sexual Healthcare and Coaching to her incredible repertoire of expertise, she was ready to launch a pioneering platform that revolutionised sexual health and wellness for mothers, not just as an act of self-care, but as a move towards collective liberation.

(II) Brand Visuals

Dawn’s mood board for Mama Comes First says SO much about her! She has such a fun and spunky energy, yet it’s so grounded in nurturing and expertise.

My Brand-Spirit Quiz agreed. It revealed her to be a Rebel-Sister - feisty, straight-shooting, a bit of an anarchist; yet safe, comforting and cosy. As so many of Dawn’s clients shared, it’s her rare combination of medical training and unabashed big-sister vibes that makes her such a safe space - especially when it comes to a topic that is so often silenced and stigmatised.

I was also very tickled to find - through our little Zoom window - that her entire home and wardrobe is coordinated with her mood board! All pinks and purples and vulva cushions and lush feminine art.

To express Dawn’s Rebel-Sister spirit, I played with out-of-the-box website layouts, playful fonts, and organic shapes.

We ended up using the headline font of one of Dawn’s favorite books (Bad Sex: Truth, Pleasure, and an Unfinished Revolution). I of course had to use Dawn’s signature pink-and-purple colour palette, and I loved that the organic shapes reminded me of the beautiful range and curves of mama’s body.

We shared the Mama Comes First vision and mood board with Dawn’s AMAZING brand photographer Sarah Henry of Still Poetry Photography. She gathered a wonderfully diverse crew of mamas and families, and beautifully captured the fun, togetherness, and deep pleasure that Mama Comes First embodies.


(III) Brand Messaging

Through my brand journalling process, we got to the heart of Mama Comes First’s message, and turned it into website copy that’s as fiesty and loving as Dawn herself:

‘We’re giving two giant middle fingers to the patriarchal, capitalist norms that keep mothers exhausted, isolated, and ‘in-line’. We revolutionising sexual health & wellness for mamas - because Liberated Mothers create a more Liberated World.”

Being rooted in Matricentric Feminism, I also wanted to make sure Dawn’s justice-led values of inclusivity, intersectionality, body autonomy and collective care were clearly communicated throughout her website:


(IV) Website Creation

I love feeling the energy of my client’s brand when I create their website, so I grooved along to my Sexy playlist as I worked on Dawn’s. It was SO much fun!

Part of our process was to design deeply aligned Offerings, and express them in a clear and galvanising way. Dawn knew that Mama Comes First would be build on community and collaboration, that she was creating a platform, not a personal brand.

And so we crafted a group Postpartum Program, a Sex-Ed for Moms page, a wonderfully inclusive Community space, a very juicy Pleasure shop, and a Blog that would become a space for guest experts and contributors.

I’m often working with dualities when I create brands and websites. In Dawn’s case, I wanted to balance spunky approachability with grounded clarity, reflecting Dawn’s incredible combination of medical expertise, social justice, and fun, loving presence.

I remember how squeely I felt on launch day! Dawn was sitting in a whimsically decorated corner of her garden, with her cutie-pie little ones popping in and out of the screen. I completed her site’s SEO, we connected her domain to her new site, and voila! We were live! Finally, I left Dawn with a Brand Guide and detailed Website Training, so that she could truly feel at home in her new online space.


Working with Christina was a DREAM. It took many months of searching for a web designer I felt confident could bring my vision to fruition, and who aligned with my justice-led values. Our sessions often felt like therapy, not business. I cannot recommend her enough.
— Dawn Moore

Hey there!

Thank you for reading my creative diary! I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below. If you’d like to explore working together, just click this button to learn more!

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

Brand Photography (Part 2): HOW to Plan a Shoot