The Song that only You can Sing

website copy brand therapy coaches therapists

I keep encountering the same problem with my Brand & Website Therapy clients -

These glorious women would pour their big brilliant hearts out to me through journalling and conversation, but when they sat to write their website copy, they became a shadow of themselves.

It's like stage-fright - they’d blow me away with their HeartSong, but the moment they stepped on stage, their throats would seized up and self-consciousness would kick in.

They’d go from their Hearts to their Heads, and become a blander, stiffer, censored version of themselves.

Essentially, they didn’t trust the power of their natural voice.

So, how do we turn the gold we spill in our truest, tenderest moments, into website words that actually work?

It’s one thing to have pages and pages of beautiful spillings in a Google Doc.

It’s quite another to have website copy that’s clear and heartfelt; that’s sensitive to both the emotional and visual journey of the reader; and that knows how to harness the power of the internet to touch limitless lives…

If you’re longing to share the magic you do behind closed doors in a bigger way…

If you’re wondering if anyone’s actually finding (let alone reading!) your website…

If you’ve been under the false impression that your big smushy heart is a liability to your business - and not its most powerful asset…

If you’re questioning your own unique medicine, or the value of your offerings, or feel drowned out by the myriad voices out there…

I’ve got you. My Brand & Website Therapy process is designed to create a direct bridge between your Heart and your Website. Because I know that if your website readers could feel what I’m feeling when I’m in a room with you, they’d fall in love too…

Hey there!

I’m Christina Paul, a therapist turned Brand Therapist, here to help women share their medicine with the world through branding, websites, and visibility.

I work mainly with coaches, therapists, creatives and change-makers - women who are part of the gentle revolution our world so desperately needs.

If you’re feeling a connection, feel free to explore my offerings, find me on Instagram or subscribe to my e-community for love letters sent straight to your inbox.

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

Dig where you’re Standing


Whatever frees up your expression