brand & website therapy


Here are some of the glorious coaches & therapists I’ve worked with over the years. Through my signature Brand & Website Therapy process, we weaved their hearts into branding, copy & websites that embody their Fully Expressed Selves.

Scroll down for a taste of the visual & verbal magic that came from our journey.



Jaree Basgall

“Healing your trauma is not only possible, it can be a portal to a more free & beautiful life.”

“Maybe you’ve been numbing the pain, but it’s numbing your joy as well. Maybe you’ve tried talk therapy, but you just can’t seem to break past the invisible wall that’s holding you back.

My friend, your trauma is an injury, not a life sentence. By tending to both the physical and emotional imprint of your trauma, not only can you heal your nervous system, you can create a life that is truly yours.”


somatic psychotherapist & shamanic medium

Rachael Collins

“I serve the beautiful wierdos of the world.”

“The truth seekers, the quirkies, the wounded rebels, the queers. The neurodivergent folks that see through the bullshit and name what is true. The ones who are ready to dismantle our society’s oppressive systems, and let what is familiar crumble.

The folks who are seeking radical alternative ways to heal our interpersonal, systemic, and spiritual trauma, so that we can be whole again - individually and collectively.”


astrology & human design coach

Marla Tseng

“We each have a uniquely powerful operating system programmed into us at birth.”

But so many of us walk through life completely unaware of this. Our exquisite design is overridden by social conditioning and other people’s expectations. We get stuck in boxes and on hamster wheels that pay the bills, but drain our life force.

Well, what if I told you that your soul did not come here to stay small or be in a box? That the restlessness you feel is your soul’s way of telling you it’s time to shake things up?  That doing work that lights you up is your surest path to true success? ”



Genevieve Camp

“Pain does not scare me.
Darkness feels alive and mystical.”

It is in those murky, messy places that we find the beautiful lost parts of us. It is by embracing the deep ache inside us that we move towards healing and liberation.

Our nervous systems are tapped into the nervous system of the planet. By doing the brave tender work of healing your own wounds, you are not only ending cycles of generational trauma, you are part of the collective healing of our society and planet.

best trauma therapy website


Full Circle Holistic

“You are not broken. You are whole & sacred & powerful.

Maybe you’ve been told that the cure you need is outside of you.

Maybe you’ve been taught to distrust your body, to override its natural intelligence with interventions you do not need.

Maybe you’ve internalized the patriarchal message that your life-giving, bountiful postpartum body is anything less than beautiful.

I’m here to guide you back to your body’s sacred wisdom, so that you can reclaim your birthright of true health and sovereignty.”


women’s integrative health, louisville, usa

Sarah Teeple

“It is self-nourishment, not self-deprivation, that will give you
back your health.”

“The truth is far more people have health and weight issues since the boom of diet culture and hormone-disrupting ‘health food’.

We have been taught to mistrust and override our bodies, to deprive her of the nourishment and pleasure she needs to thrive.

You need the opposite of a diet. I’m here to help you reclaim your freedom with food, and nourish yourself back to true health.”


feminine leadership coach, france

Margaux Hammann

“Do not fear the fire. Become it.”

“Each new chapter of life requires a new version of its heroine. You.

And I am here to guide you in this perpetual process of inner alignment towards the life that is truly yours.

There is a sacred space between never again and not yet, between gratitude for what is and longing for what is already looming.

It is by navigating it together that we will support the flight of the woman you are and will become.”


work & life coaching

Kolleen Bouchane

“Our world need people that don’t just settle for the status quo.”

Your longing for things to change matters. Whether you want to achieve more impact at work, more justice in the world, or to build a more meaningful and joyful life (or all of the above!) - I’m with you.

Fighting for your joy and success is my way of fighting for the greater good.”


creative agency for therapists, UK

Neon Rocks

“I believe in burning bright without burning out.”

After 20 years of working in high-stress PR & Marketing agenciesm, my vision was to create something different - a calm oasis where success can be enjoyed in a healthy, ethical, authentic way.

We’re here to transform your business - so that you can transform more lives.”


eco-somatic artist, australia


Narelle Carter-Quinlan

“I’ve been on a Walk. A 4 year walk. A pilgrimaged epiphany of coasts.

Grief roaring through me, I’ve howled and knee-buckled and hurled curses across the Pacific. Asked favours of whales and questions of fig trees. Listened deeply.

All along the Way, I made images. Perhaps forty thousand images - the true Voices of the potentised presences and consciousnesses around me. A pulsating Cathedral. All of it ~

I made it for the truth of you that sings yourself here with every single breath. I made it for you, who grieves and who celebrates joy with every photon coursing through you. I made it for you who walks and for you who does not walk.

I made it for you -
All of it. So you remember, all of yourself.”

sacred artist squarespace website

holistic nutritional therapy, HK/UK

Vanessa Marescialli

“You can feel good in your body.”

Maybe you're tired of bouncing in vain between doctors and diets.

Maybe you're beating yourself up for falling off the wagon yet again.

I'm here to tell you that you are not bad or broken. There is an explanation to why you're stuck - be it in your DNA, your history, your biochemistry, or your beliefs.

With me as your detective and guide, we’ll get to the true cause of your symptoms and struggles, rebuild your habits, mindset, and physiology to give you the health and life you desire.”



She & C0. Therapy

“Our society keeps telling us we are not enough. Not thin enough. Not beautiful enough. Not ‘good’ enough as mothers.

We are so focused on being desired, that we have lost touch with what we truly desire.

We are so busy taking care of others, that we have forgotten how to truly take care of ourselves.

We are so used to seeking approval, that we don’t believe we are worthy - just as we are.

As a psychotherapist, I’m here to help you break free from whatever it is that cages you, and live a more joyful, confident, sovereign life.”


breathwork & coaching, france

Mathilde Gottrand

“We each have a howl inside of us that longs to be expressed.”

“It is the voice of our deepest, wildest selves. It is a rally cry for the work we’re meant to do in the world.

But too many of us have learnt to silence our howl. We have learnt that to be loved we must be small, quiet, palatable. And so we hold our breath, bite our tongue. We find ‘safety’ in cages of our own making.

Dear One, it is time to break free. It is time to breathe deep into the forgotten parts of you, and give voice to what lies there. It is time to begin the journey back to your full self.”


body transformation coach, hong kong

Beth Wright

“Know your Body.
Change your Life.”

“No amount of dieting, exercise or pills can give you the body you want if you don’t know what’s going on with your hormones, gut and metabolism. I’m here to change that.

Combining functional medicine with hormone-testing and personalised nutrition plans, I help busy humans transform their bodies inside-out, and live their most vibrant, zesty life.”


AEDP psychotherapy, canada

Authentic Living

“I see your pain, and
I see your resilience.”

I see the light in you - it may have been dimmed, but it has not been extinguished. I’ve been where you are. I know the pain of losing myself, and staying in a lie. I know how scary it is to disappoint others, to risk dreaming of a different life.

But I also know how empowering it is to finally break free from the ‘security’ of our own straight jackets. To live a life of fierce authenticity. I would love that for you too.”


somatic voice coach, us

Ara Lee James

“I have come to believe
in being Lost.”

What happens in this place, between the I have no idea what I’m going to do and the I can do this… This is sacred work. Some people call this the dark night of the soul. I call it the place of magic.

It is brave work to unbraid a life. And it is this work done in the darkness, just before the light comes back, that is pregnant with the truth of who we are meant to be.

There is nothing more powerful than a woman who has come through the fire and gives herself permission to speak.”