The Bottle to your Elixir

Some days I think my job is simply to be in awe of the woman I’m sitting across from.⁣

To gather the gold she spilled in our journalling and conversations, and place them safely in her hands.

To show her, with my face and voice, the impact her words and presence are having on on me.⁣

So that she can feel the force that she already is.⁣

And then, we take that feeling - that deep, elusive elixir - and place it in a bottle, so that the rest of the world can feel it too.

That’s what your brand is for me. It’s the bottle to your potion, the container that allows your magic to exist outside of you, and move freely through the world. It’s how those that need your medicine find you, grasp you, take you in.

If you want help distilling your medicine into a brand & website that actually does you justice, I’d love to support you.

Hey there!

I’m Christina Paul, a therapist turned Brand Therapist, here to help women share their medicine with the world through branding, websites, and visibility.

I work mainly with coaches, therapists, creatives and change-makers - women who are part of the gentle revolution our world so desperately needs.

If you’re feeling a connection, feel free to explore my offerings, find me on Instagram or subscribe to my e-community for love letters sent straight to your inbox.

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

Does your work title feel limiting or liberating?


Branding as a Coming Out Journey