The Power of your Contradictions

magnificent paradox jess janz brand therapy zeoni creations

I came across this beautiful poem by Jess Janz the other day, and it reminded me of something I see a lot with the women I work with:

We are so quick to judge our contradictions, especially when it comes to our brand and business. We think we have to be this or that. Practical or poetic. Gentle or ambitious. Heartfelt or professional. But so often, our unique brand magic lies precisely where our dualities meet.

When Eli and I first spoke, she wondered if her quiet side and her rebel side could coexist in her business. But that’s your magic! I said. She has since built a thriving business as a community-builder for quiet revolutionaries.

When Rebecca and I worked together, she wondered if her medical side and her sacred side could coexist in her business. But that’s your magic! I said. She helps women reclaim their health and sovereignty in ways that only an ancient-medicine-woman-in-the-body-of-an-obstetrician can!

There are valid reasons for why we feel uncomfortable in our dualities.

Some of us have lived or worked in spaces where it feels ok to express one side of ourselves, but not the other. And so we’ve become used to that split.

Some of us have learnt that our witchy / feisty / deeply sensitive side is ‘not good for business’, and so we hide or dilute it.

With my own business, I have always elevated that parts that feel sacred, and devalued that parts that feels practical / technical / ‘basic’. Until I had the delight of receiving a very practical money spreadsheet from my very sacred mentor Sarah Jenks, and realised, but that’s your magic!

And so in my work with women, I am always looking for their dualities. Because, so often, that is precisely where their brand magic lies.

When I created the Brand Spirits framework, one of my main intentions was to help women celebrate and express their dualities. It’s why my quiz gives dual, rather than single, results.

You may be a Queen-Rebel, or a Sage-Poet, or a Sister-Sprite.

You are both…and…



A Magnificent Paradox.

Hey there!

I’m Christina Paul, a therapist turned Brand Therapist, here to help women share their medicine with the world through branding, websites, and visibility.

I work mainly with coaches, therapists, creatives and change-makers - women who are part of the gentle revolution our world so desperately needs.

If you’re feeling a connection, feel free to explore my offerings, find me on Instagram or subscribe to my e-community for love letters sent straight to your inbox.

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

Whatever frees up your expression


To be seen in our Fullness