For the Ones with a Revolution in their Hearts
soulful BRANDING
& WEBSITES for the
Our beautiful broken world won’t be saved by a president, or a party, or a system. It will be saved by each of us imagining a different way, and turning our work into a microcosm of the world we want to create.
Whatever the Revolution in your Heart, let’s create a space that embodies your humanity and amplifies your cause, so that more of the world can experience your medicine.

Some of the big-hearted brands i’ve collaborated with:

for Individuals
1:1 BRAND & WEBSITE therapy
As a therapist turned Brand Therapist, I support coaches, therapists and other heartfelt humans turn their medicine into brands and websites that capture their Fullest Expression, call in their Soulmate Clients, and amplify their impact in their World.
Supporting organisations that are building a kinder world - from progressive schools to women’s foundations; from sustainability brands to social justice groups. Whether you want to refine your message, supercharge you site, or build community in a strategic yet heartfelt way, we can help.
for Organisations
with me
Coming Soon!
brand journals & WEBSITE TEMPLATES
Inspired by some of my most loved creations, I’m creating a series of website templates that are as strategic as they are soulful, allowing you to launch with ease and grow with confidence.
be the
first to

mood board for jada poon photography
If you deeply value authenticity but have no idea how to express the essence of you visually, I have something that might help!
Take my Brand Spirit Quiz and get a free personalised guide on how to create branding that’s an expression of your Soul.
what’s your brand spirit?
take the

I’m christina paul, brand therapist & web designer.
Over the last 7+ years, I’ve weaved my background as a therapist and my love for creative expression into what I call ‘Brand Therapy’, a process that’s supported hundreds of heartfelt humans share their medicine with the world.
For many, branding has become synonymous with ‘packaging’, as if we need to mask ourselves in glossy wrapping and clever taglines to make it in business.
I think of branding as the opposite - a process of unmasking and unwrapping until we get to the very core of you.
That, my love, is your ‘brand’.