Soulful Branding and Squarespace Websites for Coaches

Brand Therapy

       branding | websites | visibility       

In service of our World’s Gentle Revolution

Hello love,

I’m Christina, Brand Therapist for heartfelt humans.

I believe you’re alive in this moment for a reason.

That what makes you ache in this world - the pain, the injustice, the beauty - is the stuff your medicine is made of.

We need activism that’s raging at the frontlines. And we need activism that happens in quiet, tender places. In the therapy room. In our organisations. In every moment that we choose our humanity over the status quo.

We are each planting the seeds for a new world. How we run our businesses, use our voices, embody our values. Who we choose to uplift. What systems we choose to defy. It all matters.

Whatever your sacred cause is, I want to help you amplify it.


consultancy | branding | workshops

Brands for Humanity

Supporting organisations that are building a kinder world - from schools to women’s foundations; from sustainability brands to social justice groups. Whether you want to refine your messaging, supercharge you site, or build community in a strategic yet heartfelt way, we can help.

1:1 brand & website therapy

Coaches & Therapists

As a therapist turned Brand Therapist, I support coaches, therapists and other heartfelt humans turn their medicine into brands and websites that capture their Fullest Expression, call in their Soulmate Clients, and amplify their impact in their World.

self-led experiences

Brand & Website Courses & Journals

Get Brand Clarity with my Fully Expressed Journal; design your own beautiful branding; or create a website that works - visually, verbally, and stratetically.


What’s your Brand Spirit?

Take my Brand Spirits Quiz to discover what blend of Sage, Poet, Sister, Rebel, Sprite & Queen you are.

You’ll also get a free and personalised guide on how to create a brand that’s a true expression of your essence.